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As for my wife's BT email account on her iPad, Feb 3rd. Update your system!PARAGRAPH. Trying the Microsoft OAuth option no longer works.
But that's not an option on Outlook - and also Link Mailbird support, incidentally, has been very helpful in diagnosing authentication.
My research and experience is got as far as 'Did this fix the problem.
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OAuth in 3�2�1 #javascript #python #web #coding #programmingWhen you set up manually and try to use OAuth in Mailbird, it says "OAuth is not supported for personal Outlook accounts. Please switch. As a test I downloaded and installed MailBird and TheBat!. They both work fine out of the box with oAUTH so this appears to be an eM Client. You don't need OAuth for MS Outlook mail client. Authentication is against your email address. You need to select port (SSL) and plain authentication.