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Step Forward through Actions: F9. Using keyboard shortcuts can save shortcuts can save you a lot of time and help you work more efficiently in. Move View: Space Bar. Home Photoshop tutorial Adobe Photoshop.
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Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Photo Editing. Photo ko clean banana sikhe.1. Select All Ctrl + A Selects the entire canvas 2. Deselect Ctrl + D Removes selection from selected area 3. Copy Ctrl + C Copies selected area or object to. Subtract Shape. -. Close All. Ctrl+Shift+W. Align Right. Ctrl+Shift+R. Bring Layer to Front. Ctrl+Shift+ ]. Deselect (Drop). Ctrl+D. Decrease Brush Size. Adobe Photoshop Shortcuts ; Redo last action, ? + ? + Z ; Deselect all, ? + D ; Hide selection and planes, ? + H ; Move selection 1 pixel, Arrow keys.